Full body fusion workout with influences from ballet, yoga, Pilates and more. Use a variety of equipment to focus on...
Build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better...
Awaken, recharge and connect your mind-body together with a vinyasa flow and use of varying breath techniques.
All level vinyasa style yoga, slightly slowed down to focus on stretches and mind, body and spirit.
This workout uses a weighted ball combining fun yet challenging strength, cardo and core training.
Build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better...
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better...
Awaken, recharge and connect your mind-body together with a vinyasa flow and use of varying breath techniques.
An overall full body workout utilizing weights, bands, balls and more to strengthen and tone. All level workout.
Improve posture and balance through exercises focusing on core and leg strength.
Barre work and center floor exercises will be given to enhance coordination, strength, balance and flexibility.
This class is designed for both beginners & non seasoned veterans learning the basic steps, rhythms, and the sequence for...
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Heart-healthy, low impact exercises energize your active lifestyle. Focus on building upper body and core strength as well as cardiovascular...
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better...
Awaken, recharge and connect your mind-body together with a vinyasa flow and use of varying breath techniques.
An overall full body workout utilizing weights, bands, balls and more to strengthen and tone. All level workout.
Barre work and center floor exercises will be given to enhance coordination, strength, balance and flexibility.
Creative movement series will introduce the basics of dance to students ages 3-6.
Creative movement series will introduce the basics of dance to students ages 6-9.
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Heart-healthy, low impact exercises energize your active lifestyle. Focus on building upper body and core strength as well as cardiovascular...
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Barre work and center floor exercises will be given to enhance coordination, strength, balance and flexibility.
Creative movement series will introduce the basics of dance to students ages 3-6.
Creative movement series will introduce the basics of dance to students ages 6-9.
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Heart-healthy, low impact exercises energize your active lifestyle. Focus on building upper body and core strength as well as cardiovascular...
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Barre work and center floor exercises will be given to enhance coordination, strength, balance and flexibility.
Creative movement series will introduce the basics of dance to students ages 3-6.
Creative movement series will introduce the basics of dance to students ages 6-9.
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...
Heart-healthy, low impact exercises energize your active lifestyle. Focus on building upper body and core strength as well as cardiovascular...
Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...