JCC Maccabi Games & Mid-Atlantic Junior Maccabi Games

The JCC Maccabi Games® is the largest annual gathering of Jewish teens ages 13-16 from around the world! This Olympic-style sports competition is held each summer and offers teens the chance to be a part of an incredibly athletic, social, and cultural experience. The Katz JCC’s South Jersey delegation travels to compete across the county with over 5,000 teens worldwide.

Katz JCC Maccabi Games South JerseyIn addition to athletic competition, athletes gain a unique experience when they stay with host families during their stay in the host community.  The hospitality offered by host families makes visiting athletes feel at home, and many athletes create bonds with their host families that last beyond the Games.

Athletes also participate in Olympic-style Opening Ceremonies and JCC Cares, local community service projects that promote important Judaic and human values and leave an impact on the local community. The Katz JCC was a proud host of the JCC Maccabi Games® in 1999 and 2014.


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Notice: The women's locker room is currently under renovation. Please use alternative locker room options available throughout the building. For assistance, please ask any associate.