Reduce stress, improve balance, blood pressure and bone density.
Movement & Motivation Dance is Free with an A?liate, Senior Limited or Full Membership 60+ | Register in advance with...
Explore your body’s possibilities and improve your balance, flexibility, coordination, and gait. An ideal class option for those with Parkinson’s...
Instructor: Bernadette Hennessy May If you are either a total beginner or have a bit of Canasta knowledge but need...
Instructor: Leila Joffe In her June lecture series, Leila will provide an in-depth examination of Cole Porter's life and work.
All levels welcome.
Awaken, recharge and connect your mind-body together with a vinyasa flow and use of varying breath techniques.
Once a month, Parkinson’s Connection members assemble online for a unique community experience. Members share thoughts, ideas, and information unique...