Real Housewife Comes Home to Cherry Hill

9 June, 2017

Sabrina Spector, Katz JCC Cultural Director

How do you know you are making a difference?  We go to work hoping that all the long hours we put into our jobs is making an impact.  We volunteer because we believe in a cause and hope that we can somehow improve or touch the lives of those in need.  But how do we really know if coaching that basketball team or that special event was really worth it?

Here at the JCC we know because of the stories you share with us.  Our members of all ages tell us how the staff and volunteers changed their lives or at least enhanced it.  We are blessed to hear from many of our members and have even begun to gather these stories in our 100 stories campaign which is a collection of inspiring and touching moments that have happened here.

South Jersey has remarkably produced a slew of talented and artistic individuals.  We are fortunate that some of them have strong ties to our JCC family.  The experiences that some have had at the JCC lasts a life time.  One example is Ben Lipitz, a Medford camper who has gone on to have a successful Broadway career. His time at the camp was so meaningful that he has come back to our community with the annual Broadway Live show.  Broadway Live is the brain child of past camp director, Aaron Greenberg and Ben.  Ben rallies his fellow Broadway stars and together they bring the music of amazing shows to our Cherry Hill stage.  And to top it all off, it’s to benefit our Open Hearts, Open Doors program for kids with special needs.

Just recently, I received a call from Siggy Flicker, a Cherry Hill West graduate and past JCC member.  Siggy was born in Israel but spent most of her childhood in Cherry Hill, living in different apartment complexes on Cooper Landing Road before attending college at Monmouth University. She has fond memories of having breakfast at Ponzio’s Diner and playing softball with friends from her high school. She spent a great deal of time at the Katz JCC and was deeply disturbed when the center received one of the many bomb threats that swept the country.

Many years ago, the JCC made a difference in Siggy’s life.  Those who remember her say it’s no surprise to them that her vivacious, outgoing, and bubbly personality have taken her so far in her life.  Today, Siggy is a very successful relationship expert, motivational speaker, and TV personality.  But whether you knew Siggy or not, what matters is that along the way someone made a difference in her life and now she, like Ben, are paying it forward.

We may not always see the outcome of our efforts but when we act with loving kindness, passion and sincerity, we are making a difference in this world.  One person at a time, we touch lives in the most unique ways.  No matter what your job is or who you volunteer for, if we all embrace the idea that just maybe today is the day that I inspire someone, we never know how we can change a life.

Siggy made a career out of relationship counseling and matchmaking.  She’ll be the first to tell you, it’s all about our outlook on life and how we past that message along to others that will measure your impression to others.  You can hear first hand some of Siggy’s sage advice at the Katz JCC on Wednesday, June 28.  In addition to talking about life on the hit Bravo TV show, The Real Housewives of New Jersey, she’ll share her many tips on building healthy relationships and finding your own self-worth.

Flicker’s appearance at the Katz JCC will be held in the JCC social hall at 7:30pm.  Attendees can also join us for a VIP reception with Siggy prior to her presentation.  General admission tickets are $20, patron tickets which include the VIP reception are $40.

Purchase tickets online or stop by the Adult Department office at the Katz JCC.


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