Things To Be Thankful For

17 November, 2016

By: Marcy Lahav, Adult, Cultural & Judaic Director

November can sometimes get lost between the holidays celebrated in the months before and after, but here at the Katz JCC, every month has special happenings.

Katz JCC Adults BlogThis November 8 was particularly significant for us and everyone in the country – the end of a very contentious election for the President of the United States of America.  Since the birth of our country, many people marched and some even lost their lives to ensure that everyone, regardless of race, religion, political persuasion or color, has the right to cast his or her vote.  It is so important to exercise your right to vote.  Let us not take this hard fought freedom for granted.

Another date in November that evokes pride in all Americans is the celebration of Veterans Day.  At the JCC, we banded together to make Veteran’s Day a welcoming day for veterans and active duty military; we offered free lunch at our meal program, free fitness personal training sessions, discounts in Early Childhood, and more.  It’s so important to thank these individuals for their service to our country!

On November 3, in recognition of the men and women of our military both past, present and future, Jewish War Veterans Post 126 set up shop in the JCC lobby selling poppies.  The proceeds from the poppy sales help to fund activities the Post sponsors for other veterans in the Vineland Nursing Home, local military bases and for other patriotic deeds.

Next week, we celebrate another uniquely American holiday, Thanksgiving.  This is a national holiday when Americans of all ages remember and give thanks to the settlers who helped pave the path for the freedoms we all enjoy today.

Let us all take all of these opportunities afforded to us during the month of November to reflect and appreciate all that we have and to honor all who have and continue to work to make America the home of the free and the brave.

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