Yoga Stretch & Flow

JFlow Studio

Create a deeper sense of self-awareness and recharge your body-mind connection as you connect breath and physical sensations. Longer holds...

Strength & HIIT

J360 Studio

Experience the ultimate fusion of strength training & high-intensity interval training (HIIT) in our dynamic group fitness class. This class...

Barre Above

JFlow Studio

Total body workout that will help build a strong core, tone muscles, improve flexibility and mental focus.


J360 Studio

A combination of high energy fitness moves and Latin style dance to Latin music.

Zumba with Karen

J360 Studio

Special Class Schedule for Labor Day!

The indoor teaching pool will be closed 11:00 am–12:00 pm on November 6–8. Due to Jumpball Camp, the Gym will be closed 9:00 am–12:00 pm on November 7 and 8. Thank you for your understanding!