By: Alexander Schwarz, JCC Member, GW Class of 2018
With my 21st birthday around the corner and my final year at George Washington University approaching, I sit here writing this post with my future on my mind. I’m getting ready to submit law school applications this September, and I finally see what my parents and grandparents meant when they told me that life really flies by in the blink of an eye.
Time keeps on rolling by which only pushes me to live each and every day to the fullest with the motivation to leave an impact on as many lives as possible. My goal in life is to make a difference in people’s lives and influence the world in a positive and unique way. Many years ago, my family was lucky enough to receive the help they needed which ultimately put me in the position of the endless possibilities I have today.
When my biological father passed away when I was four years old, the Katz JCC provided me with a financial scholarship which allowed me to attend the Sari Isdaner Early Childhood Center and play in the basketball league with all my friends. The JCC took care of me and let my mom, a then 30-year-old single mother, go back to school and get her degree. I owe my gratitude to the JCC for all this and also introducing me to my first love…basketball. I feel it is my duty to give back to the community and help young families that may find themselves in the same position my family did have the same opportunities I was given at the Katz JCC.
The Eric and Andy Sussman 3 on 3 Memorial Basketball Tournament means so much to me and my family. It gives me the opportunity to not only help the community but I also get to work side-by-side with my grandparents and aunt to honor the two individuals that meant so much to us in a special way after losing their lives to cancer at a young age. We’re taking a stand against this terrible disease that affects so many lives around the world. Not only are we honoring two amazing individuals during this event but we are also working towards raising money for cancer research as well as scholarship money for the Youth Sports Organizations at the Katz JCC.
The Eric and Andy Sussman 3 on 3 Memorial Basketball Tournament has grown to be a community wide event over the past 10 years. It is an indescribable feeling to watch the South Jersey community rally behind this special event that everyone should come out and witness. This event not only makes a difference but it provides hope to everyone! Learn more about this event and how you can register your team. We hope to see you this Saturday 4/8 and Sunday 4/9 at our annual event!
Jump Ball will take place in half of the gym from 1:00–4:00pm on: Friday, March 28 and Monday, March 31. Please note that only half of the gym will be available during these times. Thank you for your understanding!