Running for a Purpose: Team Run for Cancer Connection

30 August, 2019

by Liz Curran, Katz JCC Wellness Lifestyle Coach and JCC Member Julie Calem

Did you know the Katz JCC has a fitness and wellness program specifically designed for cancer patients and those in recovery called Cancer Connection? This program provides one-on-one and small group yoga and personalized training specifically catered to individuals on their journey to cancer recovery. A very compassionate JCC member, Julie Calem, learned about this program and volunteered her time to fundraise for cancer patients who would like to participate but need financial assistance.

Julie has been an avid runner for over 20 years.  She first combined her passion for running with cancer fundraising in 2007, when she decided to train for the NJ Half Marathon with Team in Training, the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s fundraising and training program.

Since then, she has participated in four more endurance events to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, including a 10,000-foot mountain climb in the Rockies, two century (100 mile) bike rides, and the Philly Triathlon.  She is proud to have raised more than $16,000 in the fight against blood cancer.

Although she doesn’t have a personal connection to cancer, she has found a tremendous sense of fulfillment and personal accomplishment by participating in cancer support programs such as the Katz JCC’s Team R4CC.  She is excited to be a member of the inaugural Team R4CC, and to dedicate her efforts to those who have survived or who are currently battling cancer, including a child in her daughter’s preschool class.

If you’ve ever had a goal of completing a 5K or are already a runner and would like to improve your skills, we encourage you to participate in the Katz JCC’s Run for Cancer Connection (R4CC) Team this fall.

Team R4CC participants are invited to attend a weekly private running clinic and strength training program, gain entry to the Katz JCC’s Oy Vey 5K Race taking place on Sunday, October 28 and celebrate their accomplishments with a champagne victory brunch following the race.

To provide Team R4CC members with the best opportunity for success in the 5K race, the private training program will be led by Shelly Hollingsworth. Shelly is a highly decorated athlete who has many national and international accomplishments; most notably, the Olympic trials in 1992. Currently a Phys. Ed teacher, her resume includes several assistant and head coaching positions at the university level. Team R4CC is very excited to have her leading our program.

All levels of runners are invited and welcome to participate. The running clinics will be held on Sundays from 9:15-10:15am from September 8 through October 20, while the strength training program will be held on Wednesdays from 7-8pm from September 11 – October 23. The program will culminate with the 5K race on Sunday, October 27.

To become a member of Team R4CC, a minimum donation of $250 is required. To register or to learn more about Team R4CC, please visit, or contact Jayne Miller-Morgan at or 856-424-4444 x1140.

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