By Lisa Simon Nugiel, Katz JCC Member & CEO of SPRYTE Communications.
Late last year, as I contemplated my unoccupied public relations agency in Center City and likely at least another year of working from home, like others who have been fortunate to not succumb to the coronavirus, I thought about what’s been personally easing this pandemic’s pain. Three letters: JCC.
My story begins 23 years ago. The soon-to-open Katz JCC was a reason we built a home nearby and moved to Cherry Hill from Philadelphia at the end of 1997.
Like for so many families, the JCC has been there for us exponentially over the years, as a daycare provider, as an after-school program, as an employer of our three kids and as a place where we’ve enjoyed Jewish film, arts, culture and a fabulous fitness center with an over-the-top Pilates studio and natatorium.
I have been so impressed with and appreciative of how the JCC has re-imagined itself during this horrible time and how strong and unflappable the staff has stayed.
Maybe it’s because I began my professional career at the then brand new JCC of Metropolitan Detroit as the first Family Services and Public Relations Worker. Or because I have a proven background in corporate social responsibility.
In any case, I wanted to show my personal appreciation financially but also take a deliberate and meaningful step that was in sync with SPRYTE’s brand.
SPRYTE Communications is a specialty healthcare public relations firm that works with national home care, hospice and palliative care providers, as well as, hospitals and health systems, medical practices, social service agencies, institutes of healthcare higher education and causes. Health, fitness and wellness are our mainstays.
In the Fall when outdoor Pilates classes on the tennis courts moved indoors, I started thinking about what JCC group activities could take place outdoors, even in winter weather.
Thinking about the extended campus with the new Jewish Federation buildings, Weinberg Commons, at 1721 Springdale Road, I originally suggested that Springdale Road be closed for recreational purposes like the weekly shut down of Martin Luther King Blvd. in Philadelphia’s Fairmount Park. That would have to be a County decision and not very likely. Instead, we will enjoy the nice, continuous sidewalk.
Fitness is always a goal but so is continued engagement during the pandemic and camaraderie for people still limiting their time indoors.
So, it all came together with the new weekly Katz JCC Walking Club beginning Sundays at 10:30am starting this Sunday, February 7, sponsored by SPRYTE Communications. Will I see you there? I hope so!
Please note – due to the inclement weather, the Walking Club will now begin on Sunday. February 14, weather permitting.
Jump Ball will take place in half of the gym from 1:00–4:00pm on: Friday, March 28 and Monday, March 31. Please note that only half of the gym will be available during these times. Thank you for your understanding!