Get SMARTT in 2020

8 January, 2020

by Gene Bonetti, Katz JCC Fitness Director 

Each new year brings an opportunity for a fresh start for a new you.  The areas of exercise and wellness are no exception. The new year begins your vision to commit to a healthier lifestyle and is the time that New Year’s resolutions are made.  If exercise is not your cup of protein shake (sorry – not tea), you may wonder how to make it a part of your lifestyle.  The benefits of exercising include losing weight, lowering blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, building muscle and above all, feeling good!

As we move past this first week of January, I would suggest not making your New Year’s resolution the final be-all end-all.  Resolutions should be a stepping stone for your ultimately achievable goal. Whatever goal you set, I have a suggestion and that is to get S.M.A.R.T.T. in 2020. 

S – Start

Your new healthy lifestyle must begin somewhere. Set your achievable goals and join a gym.  If you have a membership, use it! Hire a trainer to help keep your goals on track.  If you are afraid of that first visit, call ahead and have someone walk you through the facility.  We have a J-Kickstarter program that can make you feel comfortable at the gym.

M – Motivation

Whether it’s digging deep inside yourself, having a partner or hiring a personal trainer, motivation is key to staying on the path to your goals.  This article from Buzzfeed offers up 29 ways to get motivated to workout. You can do this! PLUS – We’ve created a Spotify playlist to help keep you motivated.

A – Accountability

Make sure you are getting to the gym and making it to your sessions if you have a trainer.  Know that you must accept responsibility for your actions if you want to reach your goals.

R – Resilient

Changing habits may be a challenge at first and as you go.  Don’t give up.  Keep working at it and know that the results will be worth it.

T – Time

Find the time to exercise – whether at the gym, outside or at home.  Make your health and fitness a priority on your schedule this year.

T – Track

Track your workouts to monitor your progression.  Track your calories if your goal is to lose weight.  Keeping track of these things also helps hold you accountable.

Once you’ve taken these steps, you are on the way to acknowledging your goal and managing your expectations.  Make 2020 your year of change.

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Jump Ball will take place in half of the gym from 1:00–4:00pm on: Friday, March 28 and Monday, March 31. Please note that only half of the gym will be available during these times. Thank you for your understanding!