Yoga is for Every Body

by Nancy Davis, E-RYT – JCC Guest Services Supervisor & Certified, Registered, Experienced Yoga Teacher

I hear people say all the time, “I can’t do yoga.  I’m not flexible enough.”  My canned response is, “That’s like saying I’m too dirty to take a shower.”

Yoga is for EVERY BODY.  It works every muscle (including your brain) to enable flexibility. You can always begin by trying yoga in a chair, a mat or even the water. No one starts yoga by standing on their head. Even with many years of practice, I rarely do headstands anymore. There are so many other ways to move our bodies so we don’t get hurt.

I ask all my students to bring the “mindset of a child” to the mat so we can use our time to explore what we CAN do and learn where we need to work a bit harder. If you’ve ever seen a child on a playground, you’ll understand that kids just start – fearlessly and with no judgment! They fall, then get back onto the monkey bars.

I suggest that everyone try yoga.  It works wonders for bad backs, strengthens weak knees and hips and works to loosen creaky joints. Having had both hips, my right knee and both basal joints replaced, I can testify that yoga works!!

Believe that you CAN do yoga, and you will. It’s all about HOW you approach something.  Set yourself up to succeed, not to fail.

Change the way you think about Yoga, and it WILL work for EVERY BODY, including YOURS!

If you are interested in trying a yoga class at the Katz JCC, check out our class schedule HERE or for more information, contact Jayne Miller Morgan, Assistant Fitness Director, at or call (856) 424-4444 x1140.

Nancy M. Davis, E-RYT

  • Certified, Registered, Experienced Yoga Teacher
  • Certified Mat & Reformer Pilates and TRX Instructor
  • Certified Cancer Exercise Specialist
  • Thyroid Cancer Survivor

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