Youth Sports & Leagues

At the Katz JCC, we offer a variety of youth sports and leagues to introduce your child ages 3-13 to organized sports in a safe environment. Our staff works to ensure every child feels welcome and appreciated. Whether it’s a way to stay fit and active or socialize with their peers – the JCC is the perfect place for your child to grow!


Spring Enrichment Classes

For children ages 3-6

Mid-Atlantic Mini & Junior Maccabi Games

The Mid-Atlantic Mini & Junior Maccabi Games is a one-day sports competition for Jewish athletes ages 9-12 (as of 5/1/2022). Athletes from JCCs across the Mid-Atlantic region compete each spring, and this is a great way for kids to experience the JCC Maccabi Games on a smaller scale prior to participating in the “big games”. There will be two age brackets: a 9-10 bracket and an 11-12 bracket.

For more information about the Mid-Atlantic Junior Maccabi Games, please contact Amanda Halliwell, Fitness & Wellness Director at (856) 288-2687 x1150.


JPlay is the Katz JCC’s new name for our collective group of after-school enrichment programs! Programs are offered cross-departmentally. Fall session begins in September and all classes will be offered during that period of time.

Our Partners

Jump Ball will take place in half of the gym from 1:00–4:00pm on: Friday, March 28 and Monday, March 31. Please note that only half of the gym will be available during these times. Thank you for your understanding!